Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What I have learned on my fitness journey thus far...

There are days that I don't feel like eating healthy and I don't really want to change into my work out clothes and push play. I have five kids and they keep my busy! I always have something to do, in fact I constantly have to choose one thing over another because there just isn't enough time in the day to do it all!

That is when it is very important to know your priorities! For me, I know that I need to work out everyday! And I also know that Insanity Max 30 is the only workout that really gives me the dose of endorphins I need to feel happy all day long. It's a tough work out. I actually trained for a half marathon using it. I only went running about 6 times before my race and the longest distance I ran before the race was 10 miles. I completed my race in under 2 hours and I was pretty happy about that! But that is besides the point. The point is I know exactly what makes me happy and gets my body results I am looking for. You may have one workout you love too, or you may switch it up on a daily basis and that is ok! We are all different and we need to embrace it!

 I also know what foods I should and should not eat to lose weight. I have had to cut back all unhealthy carbs. Its insane how many white and over processed bread products I used to consume! Now, I choose sweet potatoes and spaghetti squash. But I also learned that I can't cut out all grains because without them my workouts stop improving and I feel fatigued quicker. So I have added back in some grains like oatmeal, and small amounts of whole wheat bread. And my energy levels went back up. So play with your diet. You body will have different requirements than mine and that is perfectly normal! If something isn't working try something new!

I have also learned that I can't say- "I am cutting out all sugar from my diet, or all bread, or all the meat!" That works really well for me for exactly 2 1/2 days- and then it never fails to lead up to a full out binge on treats and sugar and whatever it was I said I was not going to eat ever again! And then guess what happens... I feel guilty...

Guilt is another thing I have learned to avoid like the plague! When I feel guilty for missing a workout, having a treat, going out to eat, or having a diet coke ( I know, I know, it's bad!) I actually do more harm to myself! When I feel guilt, I start to feel depressed and then I don't feel like working out at all and I don't feeling like eating healthy foods- only chocolate!. And I want to drink diet coke by the gallons to drown my sorrow of guilt! And the worst thing that guilt does to make me think about giving up on my journey! I start thinking it's too hard, I will never be perfect so I just might as well give up! Well, I am here to tell you that giving up is the worst thing you can do! No matter what set backs you face you always have to keep moving forward! 

So don't beat yourself up if you make a mistake! Own it enjoy it and move on! There is always the next meal, the next day, the next week to get back on track! It's the small consistent things that make the biggest difference in your results!

I know that the challenge groups I participate in, are what keeps me going! The support I get from the other ladies in the group makes all the difference! I know we are in the trenches together and every single one of them has my back! And if I post in the group that I am feeling discouraged you better believe they are going to bring me back up!   

What have you learned about yourself and getting healthy? Do you connect with any of the things I have learned on my journey! I would love to hear about it!